What is the best age to take Ganoderma lucidum?
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What is the best age to take Ganoderma lucidum?

  • Categories:Media Center
  • Time of issue:2023-05-31 16:48
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What is the best age to take Ganoderma lucidum?

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  • Categories:Media Center
  • Time of issue:2023-05-31 16:48
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Customers who have never taken Reishi often have questions about the right age of taking Reishi. They may ask "Can I eat Reishi mushroom at the age of 45", "Can I eat Ganoderma lucidum spore powder at the age of 55?"...The answers are yes, and people in these age groups are strongly recommended to take Reishi mushroom.


45 to 55 years old is the golden age in a person's life, and it is also a high-risk age, that is, a period when many diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and tumors are prone to outbreaks. Reishi mushroom can just benefit sub-healthy people at this stage!


What changes will your body experience in the ten years from 45 to 55 years old?


It can be said that "having elderly and children in their family to take care of" is a true portrayal of people at this stage. In the ten years from 45 to 55 years old, people have a lot of mental and economic burdens. Over time, their health will fall into a state of overdraft.


In 2019, a survey in the United Kingdom found that most people obviously feel that their health is declining since their 40s. This survey involved more than 2,000 people. Most of the respondents said that they began to have health problems at the age of 37 to 40. Usually, people feel back pain around the age of 44, a dull sense of smell at the age of 46, abnormal knees and weak ankle strength around the age of 47, hearing loss and joint pain around the age of 49.



And this stage is also the fastest growing stage of cancer incidence. The latest national cancer statistics released by the National Cancer Center in February 2022 clearly indicate that the incidence of cancer after the age of 45 has risen linearly, and the incidence of cancer in men has shown a significant increase trend.


Image source: Data from the National Cancer Center


What are the benefits of eating Ganoderma lucidum at the age of 45~55? To follow the TCM health-preservation principles of disease prevention first and prevention of progress of disease, you might as well eat more Ganoderma lucidum.


Many people think that Ganoderma lucidum is only eaten by the elderly, and they don't need to supplement it so early when they are in their prime.


Early consumption of Ganoderma lucidum benefits early. The best time to eat Ganoderma lucidum is now.



Ganoderma lucidum is the only top-grade medicine that can enter the five meridians among thousands of traditional Chinese medicines. It has a tonic effect on the kidney, liver, heart, spleen and lung.


The greatest benefit of Ganoderma lucidum to the body lies in its ability to reinforce healthy qi and secure the root.


Health benefits that can be obtained from long-term consumption of Ganoderma lucidum:

1. Adjust the three highs and reduce the threat of sub-health;

2. Regulate the body's immunity bidirectionally;

3. Resist oxidation, scavenge free radicals, and delay aging;

4. Strengthen healthy qi and resist the invasion of external pathogens;

5. Prevent the occurrence and development of diseases and lay a good foundation for the health of the elderly.




Eat Ganoderma lucidum early and often, your body will be very different. 






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